Wednesday, August 22, 2012

CONTACT: John Schuster
Miami-Dade County Public Schools


Statistics released today by ACT, Inc. show that Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ (M-DCPS) 2012 graduating class made significant gains and outpaced their counterparts in the state and nation in regards to ACT results. The results summarize the performance of the 2012 graduating seniors who may have taken the ACT at any time during the 2009-2012, 2010-2011, or 2011-2012 academic years.

M-DCPS students’ mean ACT scores showed significant gains from 2011 to 2012 in all four content areas, which include English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. There was a notable increase in the overall Composite score in the school district. The increases in District students’ mean scores from 2011 to 2012 surpassed those of their counterparts in the state and nation in each content area and for the overall Composite score.

Both the mean ACT Reading and Mathematics scores of the graduating class of 2012 were higher than the corresponding scores required to meet high school graduation requirements. The mean ACT Reading score for District students exceeded the state’s established College Readiness score.

Graduating seniors from 82 M-DCPS senior high schools participated in the ACT. In Reading, 19 of the 68 senior high schools with ten or more participating students had mean ACT scores at or above the state mean, and 13 schools had scores at or above the national mean.

In Mathematics, 20 of the 68 senior high schools with 10 or more participating students had mean ACT scores at or above the state mean, and 12 schools had scores at or above the national mean.

The population of college entrance exams consists of self-selected students who participate on a voluntary basis.  As a result, student demographic characteristics and the number and percentage of students tested at each school can vary greatly both among schools and from year to year, particularly as more students take the tests in an effort to obtain concordant scores to meet high school graduation test requirements.

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