M I A M I - D A D E  C O U N T Y   P U B L I C  S C H O O L S

Information Services   •   School Board Administration Building   •   1450 N.E. 2 Avenue, Miami, Florida  33132


CONTACT: Alberto M. Carvalho

March 12, 2001

Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) will unveil its new logo at noon, Wednesday, March 14, in the first floor auditorium at School Board headquarters, 1450 N.E. 2nd Ave.

The new look was selected from more than 40 entries in a logo contest in conjunction with the Advertising Federation of Greater Miami. The winning design, by Hugh Williams of Just2Creative Advertising and Graphic Design, was chosen by marketing and advertising professionals from the school district and some of Miami's top advertising agencies.

Logo guidelines were determined with input from members of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, the Dade County Council PTA/PTSA, and select M-DCPS administrators, teachers, support staff and students.

Williams will be honored at the ceremony and assist Schools Superintendent Roger C. Cuevas and Miami-Dade School Board members with the unveiling.

"In addition to reflecting the county's name change from 'Dade' to 'Miami-Dade,' the new logo sets a tone of high expectations for our schools and students," said Cuevas.



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