Great news, parents! This year’s annual Back-to-School “Sales Tax Holiday” has been expanded to 14 days starting Monday, July 25 through Sunday, August 7, 2022. Parents will get a break from the state’s 6 percent sales tax representing significant savings for families as the summer break ends and the new school year begins.
No Florida sales tax or local option tax will be collected during this time on the sale of the following items:
• Clothing, footwear, and certain accessories with a sales price of $100 or less per item*
• Certain school supplies with a sales price of $50 or less per item
• Learning aids and jigsaw puzzles with a sales price of $30 or less*
• Personal computers and certain computer-related accessories with a sales price of $1,500 or less, when purchased for noncommercial home or personal use
Among the allowed school supplies are the following: binders, calculators, colored pencils, crayons, pens, construction paper, lunch boxes, notebook filler paper, glue, paste, poster paper, rulers and scissors.
Examples of taxable school supplies include: correction tape, fluid or pens; masking tape; printer and computer paper; staplers and staples.
Click here to see Florida’s tax holidays and to access PDFs of all the tax-exempt items.
Miami-Dade School Board Chair Perla Tabares Hantman’s proposal to promote this holiday to families was supported by her School Board colleagues at the June 2022 meeting.
For the most up-to-date information, please download the Dadeschools Mobile App to your iPhone or Android device. Follow us on Twitter @mdcps and @suptdotres, on Instagram @miamischools and @suptdotres, and on Facebook at MiamiSchools.
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